Nansei Dojo - Shinkendo and Aikibujutsu in Arizona
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About Shinkendo
About Aikibujutsu
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Nansei Dojo - Shinkendo and Aikibujutsu in Arizona
Dojo Gallery
Group Photo
Ann performing Chiburi
Corinna in kamae
Corinna and Sensei Sepp performing tachiuchi
Sensei Jared and Sensei Win performing tachiuchi
Sensei Jared and Sensei Win performing tachiuchi
Sensei Win performing tameshigiri
Sensei Jared performing tameshigiri
Sensei Jared performing tameshigiri
Kesa Cut on a 5-Mat
Fresh cut bamboo
Sensei Jared and Sensei Win and AZ Matsuri
Fresh cut tatami omote
Sensei Win Performing tameshigiri
Josh performing tameshigiri
Sensei Sepp performing tameshigiri
Sensei Cameron Performing tameshigiri
Kyle in the park
Ann and Janell performing Tanrengata
Formal Bow In
Kyle leads a group in Tanrengata
Mike, Josh, Quintin, and Joe Performing Tachiuchi
Sensei Win and Janell performing Tachiuchi
Sensei Sepp and Janell Performing Tachiuchi
Kyle and Sensei Sepp performing Tameshigiri
Sensei Win Performing Tameshigiri
Sensei Jared and Sensei Sepp Performing Tameshigiri
Sensei Jared Performing Tameshigiri
Sensei Jared Performing Tameshigiri